Fono, Fono3 - Stimulates visual perception and visual memory, suitable for children of school and pre-school age, for diagnosis of school readiness, for clients, for children with right-left orientation deficiency, with short attention spans and weak memory functions

The beginning reading - Symbol matching


Stimulation of individual symbols recognition and their retention in memory – program stimulates visual memory through the symbols at the repetition level - line, curve, point, group of points, circle (filled / empty), triangle, square ...

(Note: basic difference between a picture from Reading/ Beginning reading/ Searching the same images and the symbol is in images being from the real world and the symbols are abstract.)

Recognition of symbols requires a more thorough analysis of individual images and their retention in memory. The ability to recognise details in symbols leads to recognition of similar letters, such as b, d, p.

Program is meant for pre-school children or children wirth specific learning disabilities and pacients with aphasia, which are beginning to grasp or need support the basic reading skills.

Program links to the program: Reading/ Beginning reading/ Searching the same images

How to work with the program

A randomly selected larger symbol is displayed in the centre of working area and several smaller symbols underneath. Patient's task is to point to the same symbol from the smaller ones as is the larger symbol.


(Note: tilting of symbols is not used in this program as as it may depict another symbol)