Fono, Fono3 - Stimulation of reading skills, suitable for children diagnosed with dyslexia, for clients with reduced visual memory, with right-left orientation deficit

Beginning reading - Letter matching


Stimulation of recognition of individual letters and their retention in the memory – program stimulates the visual memory at the letters level. More complex recognition option is in identification of letters of various fonts, written / printed and / or small / capitalised.

Combination of several stimuli (sound, image) allows for better memorizingof individual letters.

Program is meant for pre-school children or children wirth specific learning disabilities and pacients with aphasia, which are beginning to grasp or need supporting the basic reading skills.

Program links to program: Reafing/ Beginning reading/ Searching the same symbols

How to work with the program

A randomly selected larger letter is displayed in the centre of working area and several smaller letters next to it. Patient's task is to point to the same letter from the smaller ones as is the larger one.

Depending on program settings in the beginning and after clicking the letter in the centre the application vill read the sought speech sound.
